HS and Skin Tone
Wondering if you have HS? Choose the skin tone that most closely matches your skin to see how HS might look on you. Inflammation and redness can look different across skin tones. It’s important to discuss all of your symptoms with a dermatologist who has experience treating HS.

Stages of HS
Hidradenitis suppurativa is divided into three stages, ranging from mild to severe, called Hurley Stages. Staging is based on various factors that help dermatologists determine HS progression.
Find a dermatologist who is experienced in treating HS near you!
Signs of HS
HS can affect one or more areas of the body. Common signs and symptoms of HS include:

For those with HS, blackheads often appear in small, pitted areas of skin, frequently in pairs.
Small, painful boil-like abscesses
HS typically begins with a single, painful abscess under the skin that lasts for weeks or even months. More may form later, commonly in areas where the skin rubs together, or where you have more sweat and oil glands.
Leaking boil-like abscesses or lesions
Some HS abscesses or lesions grow bigger and then break open and drain pus.
As the condition progresses, tunnels may form underneath the skin, connecting the abscesses and lesions. These wounds heal very slowly, if at all, and often drain pus and blood.
As the abscesses and lesions heal, scarring can occur.HS can sometimes look like other skin conditions, so it’s important to talk to a dermatologist who is experienced in treating HS and to track your symptoms—try taking photos so you can get the care you need.